On Tuesday September 17, we held our monthly meeting at beautiful and newly renovated San Mateo Marriott San Francisco Airport. Thank you to the Sylvia Lopez of the San Mateo Area Chamber of Commerce for securing a meeting room for our chamber event, your service and assistance is simply top notch and we love to be back in your hotel. Also, if you have a chance, try the falafel bites they offer in their appetizer menu!
The mission of the Latino Chamber Committee of the San Mateo Area Chamber of Commerce is to promote, support, and advocate for the economic development and well-being of Hispanic businesses and entrepreneur and its stakeholders in the City of San Mateo. The SMLCC provides resources, educational opportunities and advocacy.
We had a small, but diverse group of entrepreneurs who were interested in learning about the different federal and State of California Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise certifications available to small and diverse businesses. We also talked about the California Public Utility Commission and their partnership with the Supplier Clearing House, the National Minority Supplier Development Council, and lastly the Google Small Business Diversity Program. We briefly covered the requirements to apply, the potential benefits of becoming certified and also how that might impact our local community.
At CG Moving, we are proud to hold the State of California Department of General Services Small Business Certification, as well as the Minority Business Enterprise from the Supplier Clearing House. Additionally, we have participated in the Digital Excellence Program, a collaboration project of Google with Dartmouth College-Tuck School of Business, which is a benefit of being certified by Google Small Business Supplier Diversity.
If you know a small business who may be interested in certification, feel free to connect with me and I will share some links and info I have collected over the years. Remember, I am a mover, I can help you move a biotech lab, an attorney’s office, a federal or state agency or any other commercial office. I can even help you on a local residential move in the San Francisco Bay Area! I am not a certification expert. But I am passionate about sharing information that can help our small business community thrive and grow! If you like to watch the video of the presentation go here
If you are interested in meeting our Latino Chamber Committee, join us on the third Tuesday of the month, you can reach out to our committee chair Lizbeth Ficarra [email protected] or to the chamber’s director of operations Sylvia Lopez [email protected]